The Chiropractic Spinal Care For Back Pain

 Many people choose to see a chiropractor about their back pain. In fact, an estimated 27 million Americans are evaluated and treated by a chiropractor each year, mostly for back pain relief, according to a 2015 National Institutes of Health report. The hallmark therapy of chiropractic care is spinal manipulation.

Modern chiropractic treatment is based on the assumption that back pain is caused by misalignment of the spine. Spinal care for back pain involves physical pushing, pulling, and methodical repositioning of the head, shoulders, neck, back, or hips to help alleviate back pain.

Once considered a fringe medical treatment for back pain, the practice of spinal manipulation for low back problems is being adopted by more medical doctors. The American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society, in their patientcare guidelines, included spinal manipulation as one of several treatment options for trained practitioners to consider using. The groups’ guidelines specify that spinal manipulation be considered when ordinary, uncomplicated back pain, pain not caused by a more serious underlying problem such as compression fractures or a herniated disc doesn’t improve with self-care. Adjustments may help with acute back pain of six weeks or less or with flare-ups of chronic back pain.

Goal setting for the chiropractic treatment plan is driven by the patient's pain and disability issues and activity intolerance.

Consistent among all guidelines of low back pain treatment is the prevention of chronicity. The use of active care (care that is patient-driven such as exercise, activity modification, ergonomic modifications, etc.) is emphasized to accomplish this goal.

Chiropractors focus on the intimate relationship between the nervous system and spine, and hold true the following beliefs:

Biomechanical and structural derangement of the spine can affect the nervous system

For many conditions, chiropractic treatment can restore the structural integrity of the spine, reduce pressure on the sensitive neurological tissue, and consequently improve the health of the individual.

The treatment concept of chiropractic is to re-establish normal spinal mobility, which in turn alleviates the irritation to the spinal nerve and/or re-establishes altered reflexes.


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