
Showing posts from January, 2021

Common Back Pain Myths

 Back pain is extremely common. In fact, 80% of people will have significant back pain at some point in life. Back pain symptoms vary from person to person. They can be sharp or dull, lasting or brief. Myths regarding back pain are also common. Can you recognize the myths and facts that follow? Here are common back pain treatment myths : Myth 1: Spinal manipulation mobilizing the joints in the spine) is the best method for treating low back pain. A study showed that exercise was proven to be more effective than manipulation (only 10% required manipulation). Myth 2: Ultrasound and electrical stimulation are proven to aid recovery from low back pain. These types of passive treatments provide no long-term benefit, do not treat the underlying problem, and do not accelerate healing time. Myth 3: Back pain is caused by inflammation. Inflammation does occur in certain conditions, and may be present when low back pain is acute; however, the majority of back pain is mechanical and can respo...

Chiropractic Treatment For Whiplash

If you experience any neck pain following an accident, it is important you seek medical treatment right away. The symptoms of whiplash are sometimes not apparent until hours after a wreck.  Whiplash is a common car accident injury caused by injury to the neck muscles from the rapid forward and backward motion of the neck during a wreck. Whiplash causes neck pain and stiffness, loss of range of motion, tenderness in the shoulders and upper back and arms, dizziness, and more. Severe whiplash can cause ringing in the ears, insomnia, irritability, and memory problems. Even if you did not seek emergency medical care after an accident, you can still see a chiropractor so you can get medical treatment for whiplash. How Chiropractor Treat Whiplash Spinal manipulation for whiplash: Also known as chiropractic adjustments, spinal manipulation entails identifying the neck joints that are misaligned and positioning them back into their proper place. That can be done by gently moving the affect...

Common Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash is an injury to the neck muscles from rapid forward and backward motion of the neck caused by a trauma (eg, a car accident). It can cause acute (short-term) neck pain as well as restricted movement in your neck. Chiropractor for whiplash is unique to each whiplash injury and is directed at the primary dysfunctions detected during the chiropractic exam. Chiropractors commonly employ different chiropractic treatments for whiplash, often including: Manipulation Muscle relaxation and/or stimulation Various exercises Ergonomic and lifestyle changes. Common Whiplash Symptoms Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include: Neck pain. The pain could range anywhere from mild to severe. It might be located in one spot or general area, or it could also radiate down the shoulder into the arm and/or hand. Typically, neck pain from whiplash is caused by ligament sprains or muscle strains, but it can also be caused by injuries to discs, nerves, joints, and/or bones. Neck stiffness or...

Common Back Pain Myths

Back pain is common and at some point in their lives, 80% to 90% of the adult population will experience back pain. Studies show that many people with low back pain don't get treatment that aligns with best evidence-based practices. Physical therapists are movement experts who treat low back pain and improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement.  Here are the common back pain myths : Heavy Things It's not necessarily how much you lift, it's how you do it. Get directly in front of the object. Squat close to it, with your back straight and head up. Stand, using your legs to push up the load and your arms to hold it close to your middle. Don't twist or bend your body, or you may hurt your back.  Sit Up Straight Slouching is bad. But sitting up too straight and still for long periods can also be a strain on your back. Take breaks a few times a day: Lean back in your chair with your feet on the floor and let your back curve slight...

Cluster Headaches Treatments And Symptoms

Men are affected by cluster headaches more than women. They typically start around age 30. Cluster headaches are rare when compared with other types of headaches. The pain they produce is severe and tends to recur in the same way each time. They occur in groups, or clusters. Each attack lasts about 1 to 3 hours on average. They may occur every other day, up to multiple times a day. Cluster periods are followed by remissions where there are no headaches. These may last months or years.   Cluster Headaches Symptoms Cluster headaches begin quickly and without warning. The pain is very severe and is often described as a sharp, burning or piercing sensation on one side of the head. It's often felt around the eye, temple and sometimes face. It tends to affect the same side for each attack. People often feel restless and agitated during an attack because the pain is so intense, and they may react by rocking, pacing or banging their head against the wall. You may also get 1 or more of...

Effective Treatment For Trigal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia, or TGN, is a disorder that causes intense face pain radiating from the trigeminal nerve. It has been labeled the suicide disease because of its reputation of being one of the, if not the, most painful conditions known to man. Although it is not easily controlled, new research is finding that chiropractic care may be able to treat this debilitating disease.  TGN is traditionally treated through medications such as lidocaine, duloxetine and various opiates. If medication does not help, than surgical therapy is recommended. However, surgery can leave the face numb in certain areas and pain may begin to resurface after time. This may suggest that the root of the pain is caused by the sensory nucleus in the brainstem.  Causes More often than not, the pain is triggered by something seemingly small and every-day, and generally relates to movement, touching or temperature.  Speaking, chewing, brushing teeth, putting on makeup can cause a flare up, as can a c...

Cluster Headaches Characteristics

Cluster headaches , which occur in cyclical patterns or cluster periods, are one of the most painful types of headache. A cluster headache commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head. Bouts of frequent attacks, known as cluster periods, can last from weeks to months, usually followed by remission periods when the headaches stop. During remission, no headaches occur for months and sometimes even years.Fortunately, cluster headache is rare and not life-threatening. Treatments can make cluster headache attacks shorter and less severe. In addition, medications can reduce the number of cluster headaches you have. You get a cluster headache when a nerve pathway in the base of your brain is triggered. That signal seems to come from a deeper part of the brain called the hypothalamus, home of the "internal biological clock" that controls your sleep and wake cycles. The nerve that's affected, the trigeminal nerve, ...

Tips On How To Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, although there are many theories — ranging from viral infections to psychological stress. Some experts believe chronic fatigue syndrome might be triggered by a combination of factors. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) will change your life in many ways. It is a condition that can be hard to cope with. But you can adopt some strategies to make it easier. You may go through bad phases, or relapses, followed by better ones. Knowing to expect this pattern will help you understand how to manage your energy.  There’s no single test to confirm a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. You may need a variety of medical tests to rule out other health problems that have similar symptoms. Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome focuses on improving symptoms. Solid Ways To Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Eliminate sugar and processed or packaged foods. Eat a candy bar and your energy will usually plummet soon after....

Preventing Sciatica

Sciatica pain is caused by an irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve in the lower back. The most common cause is a herniated or slipped disk that causes pressure on the nerve root. Most people with sciatica get better on their own with time and self-care treatments. People describe sciatica pain in different ways, depending on its cause. Some people describe the pain as sharp, shooting, or jolts of pain. Others describe this pain as burning, electric or stabbing. The pain may be constant or may come and go. Also, the pain is usually more severe in your leg compared to your lower back. The pain may feel worse if you sit or stand for long periods of time, when you stand up and when your twist your upper body. A forced and sudden body movement, like a cough or sneeze, can also make the pain worse. What Triggers Sciatica ? Sciatica can be triggered by several different medical conditions including: A herniated or slipped disk that causes pressure on a nerve root. This...

How To Fight Chronic Fatigue Sydrome

 There's no single test to confirm a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptoms can mimic those of many other health problems, including: Sleep disorders . Chronic fatigue can be caused by sleep disorders. A sleep study can determine if your rest is being disturbed by disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome or insomnia. Medical problems. Fatigue is a common symptom in several medical conditions, such as anemia, diabetes and underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Lab tests can check your blood for evidence of some of the top suspects. Mental health issues . Fatigue is also a symptom of a variety of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. A counselor can help determine if one of these problems is causing your fatigue. It's also common for people who have chronic fatigue syndrome to also have other health problems at the same time, such as sleep disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression or anxiety. In fact, there...

Best Home Remedies To Relieve TMJ Pain

Pain in your face and jaw can be excruciating, and it’s even worse when you don’t know what’s causing it. For many of us, facial pain is related to the temporomandibular joint. It’s the hinge-like joint that connects your upper and lower jaw bones. Anytime this joint isn’t working properly, it could mean you’re having symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ. The main TMD symptom is pain in the jaw joint. This joint is located just in front of the ear, and pain associated with TMD may involve the face, eye, forehead, ear, or neck. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction include pain or tenderness in the jaw, especially at the area of the joint, popping/clicking of the jaw, pain that feels like a toothache, ear pain (earache) or sounds of cracking in the ears, ringing or popping sounds in the ears (tinnitus) or a sense of fullness in the ears, headaches, including migraines, blurred vision, tight, stiff, or sore jaw or neck muscles, muscle spasms in the jaw...