Common Back Pain Myths

 Back pain is extremely common. In fact, 80% of people will have significant back pain at some point in life. Back pain symptoms vary from person to person. They can be sharp or dull, lasting or brief. Myths regarding back pain are also common. Can you recognize the myths and facts that follow?

Here are common back pain treatment myths:

Myth 1: Spinal manipulation mobilizing the joints in the spine) is the best method for treating low back pain. A study showed that exercise was proven to be more effective than manipulation (only 10% required manipulation).

Myth 2: Ultrasound and electrical stimulation are proven to aid recovery from low back pain. These types of passive treatments provide no long-term benefit, do not treat the underlying problem, and do not accelerate healing time.

Myth 3: Back pain is caused by inflammation.

Inflammation does occur in certain conditions, and may be present when low back pain is acute; however, the majority of back pain is mechanical and can respond positively to mechanical treatments (eg, stretching, prescribed exercise, aerobic exercise, stabilization, posture education).

Myth 4: Low back pain is caused by arthritis.

While studies show that arthritis is present in over 90% of those between the ages 50-55, only 10% experience arthritis-related pain. Arthritis is associated with aging, but not always associated with pain.

Myth 5: You should rest and avoid or stop activity if you are experiencing back pain. It is recommended to exercise and get active and mobile as soon as possible. A physical therapist can help.

What you believe can impact your back pain. Talk about a good reason to separate back pain myth from fact! Studies show that when patients believe they have a serious structural problem with their back, they are more likely to develop chronic back pain. That's also true for people who rest more than they need, and for those who fail to control their back pain. These are good reasons to find a doctor or physical therapist with experience in treating back pain. With the right information and advice, you may soon be on the road to recovery from your back pain.


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