Fibromyalgia In Women

 Fibromyalgia is more common in women than men, who may experience symptoms differently. For example, women tend to report higher levels of pain, and they often have additional symptoms, such as heavy or painful menstruation. Fibromyalgia symptoms vary from person to person. Some describe the pain as sharp and shooting, while others report a dull ache.

Many doctors dismissed people with fibromyalgia. Because the disease was so poorly understood, these doctors mistakenly believed that symptoms were faked. Some analysts speculate that this may be because doctors historically tended to disregard women’s pain.

In this article, we explore the effects of fibromyalgia in Women. We also describe the common treatments.

Stronger menstrual pain in women with fibromyalgia

Menstrual period cramps can be mild or painful, depending on the woman. In a report by the National Fibromyalgia Association, women with the condition have more painful periods than usual. Sometimes the pain fluctuates with their menstrual cycle.

Most women with fibromyalgia are also between the ages of 40 to 55 years old. Fibromyalgia symptoms may feel worse in women who are postmenopausal or are experiencing menopause.

Menopause with fibromyalgia may increase feelings of:





Your body produces 40 percent less estrogen after menopause. Estrogen is a huge player in controlling serotonin, which controls pain and mood. Some fibromyalgia symptoms can mirror symptoms of perimenopause, or “around menopause.” These symptoms include:



lack of quality sleep

trouble with memory or thnking through processes


Some women with fibromyalgia also have endometriosis. In this condition, tissue from the uterus grows in other parts of the pelvis. Fibromyalgia can also increase the discomfort that endometriosis causes. Talk to your doctor if these symptoms don’t go away after menopause.

Intense fibromyalgia pain and tender points in women

Amplified fibromyalgia pain is often described as a deep or dull ache that starts in the muscles and radiates to other parts of the body. Some people also have a pins and needles sensation.

For a fibromyalgia diagnosis, the pain must affect all parts of your body, on both sides including the upper and lower parts. The pain may come and go. It can be worse on some days than on others. This may make it hard to plan for daily activities.

What’s interesting is that men and women experience fibromyalgia pain differently. Both report experiencing an intense level of pain at some point in time. But overall men tend to report a lower pain intensity than women. Women experience more “all-over hurting” and longer durations of pain. Fibromyalgia pain is often stronger in women because estrogen decreases pain tolerance.

Tender points

In addition to widespread pain, fibromyalgia causes tender points. These are specific areas around the body, usually near your joints that hurt when they are pressed on or touched. Researchers have identified 18 possible tender points. On average, women report at least two more tender points than men. These tender points are also more sensitive in women. You may experience pain in some or all of these places:

back of the head

area between the shoulders

front of the neck

top of the chest

outside of the elbows

top and sides of the hips

insides of the knees

Tender points can also appear around the pelvic area. Pain that’s ongoing and lasts for more than six months is called chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction (CPPD). These aches can start in the back and run down the thighs.


A wide range of treatments can help people to cope with the pain of fibromyalgia. They include:

therapy focusing on lifestyle changes

stress management


physical therapy


alternative approaches, such as acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic therapy

Many conditions can cause chronic pain, but treatments are available to help. See a doctor if unexplained pain does not get better after a few weeks.

Anyone experiencing pain accompanied by other severe symptoms, such as heart palpitations or difficulty breathing, should seek medical attention right away.


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